

Well, I’m a little behind schedule on the entryway projects, but I’m happy to say I have a project ready to share: my new bench! Isn’t she lovely? I used another Shanty 2 Chic tutorial for this project, just like I did with my sister’s bookshelf. I was going for a very Restoration Hardware look […]

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The Great Rug Dilemma of 2016

For me, one of the hardest parts about building things is deciding on a finish… so many options! Paint or stain? Dark or light? So it should come as no surprise that I’m really hung up on trying to figure out what rug to put in the entryway! I thought I had it decided, but every time I go to actually order it, I pause.

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A Bookshelf For My Sister

I recently built a bookshelf for my sister, Megan. She was moving into a new apartment and wasn’t going to have built-in shelves like her previous apartment, so she was in need of a bookshelf. I was eager to work on a new project, so I offered to build one.

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When One Door Opens…

I accomplished my first task of updating the entryway this past weekend! I painted all my downstairs doors a very dark gray.

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Show Me The Numbers

When taking on each space of my home, I decided it made sense to come up with a budget and list of my estimated projects. Here’s my estimated budget for my entryway: DIY These are pieces I want to add to the entry that I plan to build or DIY myself. Coat rack $40 Bench […]

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