

My dining table is now finished! This project took a little longer than I had originally anticipated, but I’m glad to wrap it up in time for the home stretch of the One Room Challenge. I was tempted to call this post I’m still not sure about the stain color, but it’s time to move […]

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One Room Challenge Week 3: Small Upgrades, Big Impact

I upgraded my dining room sliding door with a budget-friendly IKEA curtain upgrade and am amazed at the impact of such minor updates. It makes me wonder why I didn’t work on this before now! My curtain and sliding door situation was looking a little boring when I started working on the dining room: But […]

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DIY Custom Shelving Dining Room Update


One Room Challenge Week 2: Modern Shelving

Building shelves for my dining area is something I’ve been wanting to accomplish for a while, so I’m very happy to check it off the list! I used Shanty 2 Chic tutorial, they have some amazing plans posted on their site. As soon as I saw these shelves, I knew I wanted to build them.

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Mood Board

One Room Challenge Week 1: Dining Room

The One Room Challenge is a six-week event that happens twice a year in the DIY blogging world, and I’ve been following along for the past couple of years. This year I’m excited to be a guest participant in the event! The One Room Challenge is just what it sounds like: you redo one room […]

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A Rustic Sideboard

Oh, the sideboard, what a journey it has been. I started working on it last November, thinking I would have it done in about a month. I was just a tad off on my timeline, but this rustic sideboard is the biggest project I’ve taken on yet. During this project, I learned how to use […]

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