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I have always wanted a fireplace. I adore them. Growing up my home did not have one, none of my apartments have had one, and when I bought this house the slab was already down and they had not installed any gas lines. I’ve led a fireplace-less existence! BUT… I did not want to let […]
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After nearly ten years in my home, my coat closet was a hard-working yet neglected space. It was filled to the brim with shoes and coats and various other things tossed in over the years. It got to the point where you had to shield yourself when opening the door in case anything fell on […]
As I gradually continue to make changes to my living room, turning this empty corner is next on the list for a bit of an overhaul with a DIY blanket ladder. I’ve wanted a blanket ladder for a while but wanted to be careful how I styled it. I’ve seen some rooms with blanket ladders […]
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I recently made such a minor update on my downstairs doors but had to share because it made such a difference. All the doors in my house had the hardware they were built with. It is the brushed nickel finished that is standard with many of the homes built around the time mine was in […]
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