

It has taken a few months, but my half bath is finally finished! For some reason, deciding on the accessories or decorative touches can take the longest for me amount of time on a project for me. I sometimes struggle to envision what smaller items will look like until it is in the space. Now […]

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Half Bath Sink

I am particularly proud of my latest project, my half bath sink. It is the first project I’ve done without working with existing plans. This sink from Pottery Barn heavily inspired me, and I just planned it out in my head as I went along. Building the Frame I started building a base out of 4x4s […]

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One Room Challenge Week 3: Half Bath Shelf

The biggest remaining project for my half bath is my sink. I plan on designing and creating a base and then installing a sink top and faucet. While I worked on the design of that, I decided to take on a more simple project this week and build a simple shelf over the toilet in […]

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One Room Challenge Week 2: Half Bath Planked Walls

It is with great relief that I finally finished putting up the wood panels in my half bath! And not only are they up on the wall, but they are trimmed, spackled, caulked, and painted. Since there were some angled walls and cuts required, I think that’s where I lost momentum in the past. But […]

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One Room Challenge: Half Bath

So far, I’m 0 for 2 on getting my One Room Challenges done on time. Last fall, I eventually finished my dining room, but it was a little late. This spring’s challenge was my garage, which is still a work in progress. So for this next challenge, I decided to go with the smallest room […]

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