I’ve had a backyard garden for a few years and try to make some upgrades each year. This summer, I installed a garden irrigation system and it was so inexpensive and easy! Even if you don’t have a backyard garden, but have other outdoor plants around the house that need to be watered regularly, this could be a great solution. It’s completely customizable.

I freshened up the look of my garden this year as well by painting an exterior stain on the outside of the garden beds, adding solar lights around the garden, and string lights attached to DIY pole planters (more on that later!). The garden beds are a DIY from a couple of years ago.
I found the drip irrigation kit on amazon. At first, when I opened it, I was a little overwhelmed, but after reading the instructions was happy to discover it was a pretty simple process.

The kit comes with everything you need, and the drip lines can be cut to the length you’d like.

Setting up the Garden Irrigation System
I decided to take all the supplies outside and dive in. I started in my strawberry bed and just held the lines up to the plants

The kit comes with two orange switches that allow you to turn off a certain section. You then cut each tube to the size you’d like, and each time you want to take it in a different direction, you put the tube into a t connector. The mist nozzles in gray are attached to small stakes to go into the garden.

After no time at all, I was done with the first garden bed. I then got to work on the second.

You can barely see the nozzles under my zucchini and squash plants.

The lines then attach to the hose and you can even set up an automatic watering timer if you’d like. I tried one out yesterday, but I think I’m going to wait until I have it attached to my rain barrel that I’ve ordered to use that. There’s something about always having my exterior water turned on that makes me a little nervous about leaks!

Testing the Garden Irrigation System
Once everything was set up, I turned on my water and hoped for the best. I was so happy with how well it worked!

It’s easy to make minor adjustments to the misters to hit the plants. Here’s a video showing what it looks and sounds like in action.
So all in all, I would give this project a 10/10. I like it better than a sprinkler because you can direct exactly where the misters spray and you don’t waste a lot of water.
Some of my Favorite Garden Accessories
I’m by no means a gardening expert, I mostly purchase plants for the garden each year and hope for the best! Most years it turns out pretty well. There are a couple of items I really love and wanted to share.
1. Garden Seat

I purchased this garden seat from Home Depot, and it is fantastic! It really helps with having a place to sit while I’m working in the raised beds and it maneuvers and swivels easily. I definitely recommend it.
2. Garden Hose

I’ve had this garden hose from Williams Sonoma for nearly ten years and still love it. It doesn’t tangle easily and has worked great especially considering I leave it outside during the winter. I thought all garden hoses were the same until I got this one.
3. Solar Lights

I just purchased these solar lights from Amazon and I love them! They make a fun design and you can set it to be just a solid light that turns on or for it to flash a bit and the light to move around. I have it set on flash.
Adding String Lights
I’m a sucker for ambiance and I have been wanting string lights in my garden for quite some time, but really didn’t have anywhere to hang them. I stumbled upon this tutorial from Jenna Sue Design on Pinterest and followed it, including purchasing the same planters she purchased and filled with some daisies after adding quickcrete and rocks for drainage. I love how it turned out!

Here’s a photo so you can see the string lights and solar lights in action at night.

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